Art Reproduction

Generate high-quality reproductions of artworks.

Even when artworks are reproduced for commercial purposes or archiving, they deserve the utmost care and respect for the original style, colors, and details.

An eye for detail and a commitment to perfection.

With eight light sources and a unique sensor, our high-quality system captures every detail and color. The result is an accurate digital copy of the original artwork.

Eight light sources ensure consistent illumination.

Scannen door glas is mogelijk.

99% accurate and uniform representation in true resolution.

Color-neutral scan for reliable visual representation.

Metamorfoze and Fadgi quality

Our art reproduction service provides artists, museums, galleries, and archives with the expertise and advanced technology to easily achieve the highest quality standards. Our work fully complies with the Metamorfoza and FADGI guidelines, the benchmarks for art digitization.

Secure scanning technology, approved by the Louvre and the Vatican.

Typically, artwork is placed on a moving table that passes under the scanner. Our scanning technology works differently. When we scan a piece, only the camera moves, not the table. This allows us to scan works that are larger than the table itself.

Highly secure scanning technology, also used by the Louvre and the Vatican.

The most advanced scanning technology on the market, set to remain cutting-edge for years to come.

Scanning larger artworks is perfectly feasible.

Elevated printing

Thanks to our 3D scanning technology, we can generate specialized outputs for the latest printing techniques, such as elevated printing or 2.5D prints. This allows for art reproductions that are indistinguishable from the original.

As an innovative company, 3D Material Scan collaborates with printer manufacturers to further explore this technology. This allows us to continuously advise our clients on how to make their projects successful.

Discover our unique scanning technology

Want to see what our technology can do for your business? Book a demo and discover the advantages of 3D Material Scan. Ready to have your materials scanned right away? Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Let our references convince you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the scanning process and file formats.

More Questions?

Please reach out to us for more information

Why scan instead of photography?

Photography faces challenges with color consistency, uniform lighting, and resolution when preparing your digital materials for the future.

Our scanner operates quickly and consistently, making it an ideal fit for industrial processes where continuity is crucial.

What are PBR materials?

PBR stands for Physically Based Rendering.
The material behaves in the digital world just as its physical counterpart would in the real world. This way, you experience a product as truly authentic in a digital environment.

What is a digital replica?

A digital twin of an object or material is an exact replica, but in digital form. The more realistic your material appears, the more authentic it will look in a 3D visualization, configurator, VR, etc. While we specialize in creating digital twins of materials, we can also assist you with digital twins of objects.

Are there any materials that cannot be converted into a digital replica?

With over 20 years of experience in photography, we have never seen results like those achieved with today’s scanner. Uniform lighting, precise detail capture, consistent outputs, and many other factors make scanning the ideal technique. While we also use other methods, we can scan more than 90% of materials.

Recollettenlei 3
9000 Gent

+32 (0) 478 60 53 01



Recollettenlei 3
9000 Gent

+32 (0) 478 60 53 01